Benedetti Life

Benedetti Life – where fashion design meets unwavering ethics. In the heart of Rog Center, fashion products are born from innovative materials such as olive leather, algae-based items, and silk created from sustainable and timeless eucalyptus trees. Our heritage? A focus on hand-embroidering clothing and active involvement of young designers in our creative process. Benedetti Life not only sets ethical standards – it completely transforms them. With our work, we demonstrate that fashion innovation and sustainable responsibility can come together in a unique harmony. In the era of fast fashion, we become a guide to a sustainable and ethical fashion vision. We advocate for clean water, air, soil, and support fair trade, guided by the cruelty-free principle.

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Terra Panel

Studio_Bor Jarh_slika1

Terra panel je panel za pasivno uravnavanje vlage, ki služi tudi kot ambientalno svetilo. Njegova avtorja sta Bor in Daša, ljubitelja narave in oblikovanja, ki sta tekom svoje oblikovalske prakse ustvarila in se tudi preselila v svojo Ti...