The Rog Centre: A New Creative Centre Set Up By The Municipality Of Ljubljana

Announcements 27. 10. 2023
Obvestila_MOL ustanovila javni zavod Center Rog_zgodovinski arhiv_2021

“The Rog Centre will continue the participatory RogLab model developed by Meta Štular over the ten years prior to the creation of the new facility in the former factory in Trubarjeva cesta. Prospective users, experts and local residents will all be encouraged to actively participate in designing the centre’s programmes and developing the shared-use model. The new collaboration platform will promote creativity, innovation and technological breakthroughs. It is my firm belief that Ljubljana needs a creative hub like the Rog Centre.” Renata Zamida

The Rog factory, where the cult Rog bicycles were produced, is the most important piece of 20th century industrial heritage in Ljubljana. Renovation work on it will begin this year and will be completed by the end of the next year, and will enable the factory’s original function to be preserved. This will be achieved by using it for a new public institution, the Rog Centre, which was set up by the Ljubljana City Council (Offical Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 70/2021 of 7 May 2021, in Slovenian only) with Renata Zamida acting as its director for the duration of the public procurement procedure. The development will transform the run-down former factory into a public creative centre, open to all and primarily intended to accommodate innovative, socially beneficial projects.

The Rog Centre will offer more than 8000m2 of modern production space and other public areas, including an edible park. It has been designed to meet the needs of its future users – designers, artists, architects, students, children, engineers, amateur makers, artisans and local residents – as identified by the RogLab pilot project, which has been running since 2010 as part of the Second Chance development programme. The Rog Centre’s programmes will build on RogLab’s activities and will bring a new era of creativity and quality of life to Ljubljana; a booklet describing them in more detail is available here.

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